Eight Ways to Create Wealth like…

Role Models and great examples are important to identify with, to benchmark what is possible and challenge us to stretch beyond and out of the box we create.

They exist to influence and motivate the actions to tap into your potential and grow towards your wealth ambitions. Remember wealth  is classified as monetary value yet it includes the value of people, experience, opportunities and memories created along the way.

Successful people are passionate, disciplined and focused on achieving their outcomes. They define their growth with a plan of action and an inspiring vision. It means embracing change and often being the change.

  1. What and who inspires you to change and grow into your very best?
  2. What are you doing about it?
  3. Have you started on your ambition or still making an excuse?

Role Model

  1. The Creator – Builds innovative products                                  Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Richard Branson
  2. The Star – Builds an influential brand                                         Oprah, Paul Newman, Bill Clinton
  3. The Supporter – Builds high performance teams                     Steve Ballmer, Jack Welch
  4. The Deal Maker – Brings deals together                                   Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch
  5. The Trader – Buying and selling commodities                         George Soros
  6. The Accumulator – Buying and holding assets                        Warren Buffet, Paul Allen
  7. The Lord – Controlling cashflow producing assets                    Lakshmi Mital, Ingavar Kamprad
  8. The Mechanic – Creating a system that can be duplicated     Michael Dell, Ray Krock
Posted on by Sonia Khera in Business Coaching, Career Coaching, Executive Coaching Services, Group Training, Leadership Development, Management Development, Mentoring, Personal Development